Obituary: Norna Jamieson 1910-2007

jamie1'Jamie' was for many years the Senior Tutor at the Nightingale School of Nursing, St. Thomas' Hospital, London, where generations of student nurses made her acquaintance, claimed her interest, sometimes suffered her dry wit and criticism, and graduated to senior posts in nursing throughout Britain - all the better for having known her! The Jamieson Library at Newmill is named in her honour, and this photograph was taken on 11th October 1986 when she officially opened the Library. Melissa and Phil have visited Shetland and stayed in Jamie's croft near Reawick a number of times. Melissa was with her there in 2000 to celebrate her 90th.

She died on 18th October 2007, and was treated to a wonderful wake, hosted by family (nephews and cousins), for numerous friends at Bixter Village Hall, after her burial at St Mary's Chapel, Sand, where only the chancel arch stands of this pre-Reformation chapel.

jamie2Melissa is indebted to Bess Jamieson, Elisabeth Nicolson, Barbara Mortimer, and Margaret Macauley for being in close touch, and welcomes other Nightingales to send their memories for inclusion in a Celebratory Book about Jamie.

The picture on the right shows Jamie on 22nd November 1991 when she was presented with the British Empire Medal from Magnus Sheater, the Lord Lieutenant of Shetland.