Leanna Cox - Social Prescribing Link Worker

Leanna Cox

1. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Definitely getting my BSc Social Science Degree in my mid 30’s whilst going through a particularly difficult period of my life. Never in a million years did I ever think I was capable of gaining a degree. Also, I am finally working in a job where I can make a difference every day. I love my job as a Social Prescribing Link Worker. During the past two years in the pandemic many more people have needed help and support and being able to actively help them is so rewarding.

2. What motivates you to do what you do?

Having been through my own personal troubles in the past, overcoming them and now living a happy and fulfilled life I love being able to give back and help people access the support they need to increase their health and wellbeing and live their life to the full, to build their confidence and reach their potential.

3. What do you owe your mother?

The belief that I can do whatever I desire. Also, my attention to detail and organisational skills (we are both Virgo’s!)

4. Which women inspire you and why?

Emmeline Pankhurst – Although she wasn’t perfect, she demanded equality for women as the leader of the suffragette movement. Her efforts led to the vote being granted to (some) women. She taught us to underestimate the power of a fearless woman at your peril.

5. What are you reading?

I am currently reading two books – ‘This is Going to Hurt’, By Adam Key, which is as hilarious as it is heart-breaking. And Brene Browns new book, ‘Atlas of the Heart’. I love Brene Brown.

6. What gender barriers have you had to hurdle?

Not sure if this comes under gender barrier but as a woman who does not have any children this seems to always raise opinions from people who feel they have the right to comment or give advice on this subject. This can be a sensitive issue for some and should not be a conversational free for all. I don’t see men going through the same clumsy and intrusive questioning.

7. How can the world be made a better place for women?

I feel more education is needed to help change attitudes to different stages of life, be that in relation to having, or not having children to the menopause (what a minefield that is!). And the promotion of self-care without feeling guilty!

8. Describe your perfect day?

Ooh, a lie in followed by a cheeky bacon roll for breakfast. Then either a walk in the woods or on the beach with my amazing husband. Living in Cornwall there are so many wonderful places to visit on our doorstep. Being in nature grounds me and being a highly sensitive person, I need to escape the madness of the world regularly. Not being a huge fan of cooking, a nice takeaway would finish the day off perfectly!

9. We've noticed there really aren't many (if any) statues of women around Cornwall - who would you like to see remembered?

Now that’s a question! To be honest I’m not sure statues are a good use of public money in this current economic climate. Money could be better spent on the increasing housing crisis in Cornwall.

10. Give us a tip?

I have a few tips for a happier life which I incorporate in my everyday life:

Avoid news overload

Keep company with good people

Express gratitude daily

Learn to say NO – still working on this one!

And Live, Laugh, Love - a cliche I know but I love it!

Leanna works as a Social Prescribing Link Worker helping people reduce health inequalities by supporting people to unpick complex issues affecting their wellbeing. Link Workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me, take a holistic approach and work collaboratively with all local partners.

ASIST and Mental Health First Aid trained along with qualifications in Health and Wellbeing, Motivational Interviewing, Mindfulness and many more. Cornish born and bred, Leanna is passionate about supporting people struggling after the lockdowns with loneliness and social isolation to move forward again in their lives. Happily married with one cat enjoying the simple things in life.