New date for Jellyfish Thinking, Art & HD! 13th October, 2pm
/We have a new date for Bryony Gillard’s presentation!
In partnership with the Exchange Gallery, Penzance, Hypatia artist Bryony Gillard will explore the relationships between art and literature, peripheral landscapes, female experience, and creativity, drawing on the writings of the Modernist poet, and Isle of Scilly resident, H.D.
Bryony will talk about her recent moving image work, A cap like water, transparent, fluid yet with definite body (2018), recently presented at Tate St.Ives in Virginia Woolf: An exhibition inspired by her writings. The event will also include a screening of the film.
Bryony Gillard’s practice is situated between writing and art practices that draw on the notion of ‘constant revision’, and states of being in which structures or ideas can be subverted, dissolved or questioned. Her work often focuses on marginalised Herstories and practices — addressing historic imbalances and reflecting upon practices, approaches and ideas that refuse to be pinned down or categorised.
October 13th, 2-4pm at the Hypatia Trust. More information about this event here.
Payment by donation.