Obituary for one of Hypatia's trusted friends...
/We join with the whole of the community of Cornwall who knew and loved her, the sad news of the death of our former Lord Lieutenant, Dame Mary Holborow DVCO. As Lady Mary she served Cornwall’s people in so many ways that it exhausts in the telling – but what must be said is that throughout her life of doing good and worthwhile things in public and private ways, she was always kind, empathetic, generous and focused on the job at hand. Her sense of humour was a joy. She was not only a natural leader but also a natural friend. Though the Trust played only a small part in her very busy and high-profile life, she never failed to respond to an appeal for help or guidance, and we can only be thankful that we came to know and respect her place in our lives. She made the world a better place. Our sympathies go out to her family and especially her daughter Kate, and son Crispen.
Lady Mary Holborow