King Arthur's Wood: a fairy story, and with it the tale retold of Sir Gareth of Orkney and ye Ladye of ye Castle Perilous.
"Once I took a liking for a gallant young Knight and followed him to the Court, King Arthur's Court, that was. I rode behind the Queen and her ladies through the wood and saw feasting and feats of arms. Yes, I know stories enough I warrant you. But the great days are gone ; the Knights are all dead. The mighty forest, which stretched over many a league down to the sea, is shrunken to a handful of beeches in the hollow behind the rocks." - Little Brown Spirit of the Woodlands
King Arthur's Wood is a children's book written and illustrated by Elizabeth Stanhope Forbes. It was first printed in 1904 with a limited print-run of 350 copies. This wonderful Arthurian fairy tale has been carefully digitised, and converted into an interactive book so that children young and old may enjoy this magical story once again.
It is exclusively available on iPad through the iBookstore and contains scanned pages to preserve the original layout and typeface. Smaller illustrations can be tapped to view full screen, and there is an extra, interactive, gallery of illustrations at the end of the book for you to explore and enjoy.
Myles grew up in a remote farmhouse, and one day was told by his mother that a small wood that he can see from the house was known as "King Arthur's Wood". Overcome with curiosity he began to explore it, discovering a cave in the wood where he found a book and took it home. During the night he was visited by the "Brown Spirit of the Woodlands" who came to retrieve the book, which is owned by none other than Merlin himself. Myles finds himself pulled into a magical world of Arthurian mystery and adventure.
A free sample chapter is available for download through iBooks on your device. Requirements: To view this book, you must have an iPad with iBooks 2 or later and iOS 5 or later, or an iPhone with iOS 8.4 or later, or a Mac with OS X 10.9 or later.
Proceeds from the sale of King Arthur's Wood go towards supporting the work of the Hypatia Trust.